Saturday, February 16, 2013

Beauty is...

I've been involved with Burns Recovered Support Group for quite a few years now. I've had some really incredibly opportunities to volunteer with this group and to be involved with various projects.

Recently I had the opportunity to be part of a photo shoot featuring burn survivors. These photos, beautifully taken, show our beauty in spite of, and because of, our burn injuries. I feel so blessed to have the privilege of being part of this incredible project. There were over 30 models, including myself and my younger sister. These photos will be put together in a book along with some information about each person and will be available for purchase. Stay tuned for information about the book, as well as a fabulous kick-off party to come!

Sneak peek of my pictures, one of which will be featured in the book:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Fun!

I am the first to admit that I'm really not that into football. It takes too long. You get 10, maybe 20 seconds of action, and then a couple of minutes of nothing while everyone lines back up, repeat ad nauseum. So, not my favorite.

But, I LOVE a good excuse to have a party! I just adore spending time with friends over some incredibly yummy food. Who wouldn't?!

This year, Brett and the kids and I went down to our friends, Liz & Dustin's new house. (Which, by the way, is incredible.) I made buffalo chicken dip and attempted a version of crab rangoon (with mixed results), and also took down some Lofthouse cookies. Liz made a cheeseball, 7-layer dip (which I think of as her trademark, because she always does an amazing job), and little Smokies. We all ate ourselves silly while the menfolk watched the game and Liz and I "watched" the game. (Read: caught up on girl-talk.)

At one point, David apparently managed to snag one of the kids' plates from the table, and was face-first in it. I guess my son is also a fan of Little Smokies!

But really, with that face, who could get upset? He was so proud of himself. It was seriously cute, and no real damage was done to clothes or floor.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Ooooooh, I'm so "artsy"!

Okay, maybe not.

BUT...I DID make a new banner for the blog! It's the first time I've even attempted to do something vaguely artsy on the computer, so I'm pretty proud of myself!

Granted, I kept the same look from the one Heather made me, but I just love the way it looks. And, I'm really bad at picking color combinations. So, it works.
