Friday, December 31, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend

So, our Thanksgiving was fabulous. One of my sisters, Annette, and her family came up just before Thanksgiving to my mom's, so we got to have an early celebration with them. It's just so much fun to be around family and spend time with everyone! Kimball and Rebecah are getting so big, I love seeing them! The food was, of course, amazing....I love food.

The evening before Thanksgiving, we made the drive up to Ohio to spend it with Brett's family. I think I mentioned this in an earlier post, but initially it was just going to be us and Brett's brother, Brandon. Well, it turned out that all the siblings made the trip, so we got to have a fun little mini-reunion. I'm so fortunate that I married into that family, they are really amazing people, and so much fun to be around!

We didn't do anything earth-shattering while we were there, just hung out together, stayed up late (very late) playing games, chatting, etc. Or at least TRYING to play games....I attempted to introduce the game Werewolves (which I borrowed from my sister Heather). Yeah, not such a successful attempt. It's a fun game, but takes a lot of explaining. Despite that only the adults were awake to play, people were getting a bit antsy while I was going over the directions. We still had a good time, but I don't think we'll be playing Werewolves again any time soon!

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